Don't Glue, Simply Sugru! *review*

I know everyone reading this has noticed, these days, absolutely everything is techy. And I mean everything. Everything requires cables, whether is be the HDMI cord for your Xbox One or your charging cables for your iPhones. Sucky thing about iPhone cords, and I'm sure you've all been here before....they tend to break so easily. Along with all your devices, you have ten millions cords and cables running all over your desk and underneath it - getting tangled up in the rollers on the bottom of your computer chair. These are the things that irritate me and make my life a tad annoying. 

But have no fear, Sugru is here!

Sugru is one awesome product. I gifted my kit to my dad for Father's Day as he's a super unorganized person and I thought he needed it much more than me! The picture below is exactly what we done, along with repairing a few frayed cords. My dad is super picky and thought his desk was too cluttered for a picture so I had to opt for one from Sugru. 

Sugru is simple. Place it, shape it, and when it has had time to set up, it's rubber! How cool is that? There is so many things you could fix with this. 

We had a pack of red, green, white, silver, and black Sugru. It came with two magnets (think pushing the magnet into the Sugru and when it dries, you have a place for your kitchen knife), a toothpick (to shape the Sugru for cables to pop into), two tennis balls (coming later in the post), and two little black snaps (for making an easy snap-tastic way to hold your charger to your car dash!).

You can use Sugru in your shower to make shower hooks (for your loofahs), you can make hooks in the kitchen for pans, and my favorite, an iPad holder. The iPad holder would be a dream come true this holiday season whenever you're watching a video or reading on a recipe. 

They have packs of Sugru you can buy, if you're not doing any one thing in particular, or you can buy kits which have everything you need to get you started on your next project. The kits include: Organise Small Spaces, Hacks For Your Home, Create and Craft, Rebel Tech Kit, and Make Everything Magnetic.

I absolutely loved helping my dad get everything fixed and organized with Sugru, because it was super easy! Just remember, let it set up for 24 hours to make sure its rubbery and everything is going to stay put. I am also going to be putting some stuff on Instagram (follow me @SettledInTheSouth) of ideas to do, as I took two packs for myself to play with but due to having a litter of 8 puppies arrive at the beginning of June, I've had my hands SO full that I haven't gotten around to using it yet! I'm thinking of using it to hold my dogs food bowl off ground so she can eat her food without the puppies getting into it. I definitely recommend Sugru and for $20 or less, you can try it for yourself! 
