Beer-B-Q Bucket from Gourmet Gift Baskets

Father's Day, it's coming on quickly. Most of us will do our best to get Dad the gift he truly deserves. My dad, he's pretty simple to please. Lately, he's gotten really into BBQ'ing, and of course, he's a fan of beer. When I received the email from Gourmet Gift Baskets, there was a few selections to sample for a post to cover what they offer for Father's Day. When I seen the Beer-B-Q Bucket, I was like THAT'S THE ONE. 

It comes in a very tidy metal bucket, filled with three beers (Samuel Adams Seasonal, Red Hook ESB, and Magic Hook #9), and Rufus Teague steak seasoning, Burger seasoning mix by Backyard Safari Company, and lastly, Classic beer can chicken rub by Gourmet du Village. 

Now, I'll be honest here, the beer, it depends on what kind of taste you are into. If you like bitter, these would be for you. Unfortunately, my dad was not a fan of any of them. He said they just simply wasn't what he's into. We are saving the seasonings for a big Independence Day cookout we are planning. He absolutely loved the metal bucket. Honestly, I think that was his favorite part of the whole thing. He said he could use it when he's using his smoker (for whatever requires a metal bucket). Gourmet Gift Baskets have such a wide variety of baskets. Dad into golfing? They have a basket for him. Fishing? Yep, they have him covered, also. They can please nearly any, and everybody. 

Any occasion that you can think of, that you can gift someone a gift basket, they have something for you. This particular basket was $59.99, which in my opinion is a bit much - but I've seen so much worse as far as prices go. Although, my dad didn't love everything in it, I still recommend them because they are very much so - gourmet, and they have a lot more to choose from. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product for review purposes only. All opinions posted, are my own, 100% honest opinions. I was not compensated in any other way for this post.
