Reach High For Your New Years Resolution With Newport Skinny Tea {Review}

New Years is officially 4 days away. It is so strange to think that in just 4 days we will be in 2016. I have a lot of changes coming along with 2016. Dallas will be two years old in February. My husband gets hired on through the company, instead of temp service, and well, me, I don't have anything to expect. Other than taking an extra class in college, which I feel like is going to whoop my butt big time, nothing new. So, I am starting MY New Year by getting back into shape. I have gained so much weight, and gotten out of shape. I am not happy with myself at all.

In this new journey of mine, I will not be alone, as I will have the help of Newport Skinny Tea

This Newport Skinny Tea 21 Day Program helps the body in so many ways. It reduces bloating, which is also a big help with that extra 'monthly' bloating, it keeps that at an absolute minimum, which would be next to none, or none at all! This is my favorite thing for sure, because I bloat a lot, way more than I should. It helps you feel more fuller, on a noticeably less amount of food, which really helps aid in weight loss. It gives you so much more energy to workout, I feel like I could run a marathon, while pushing a stroller of course! I got a few exercise apps on the iPad, and I thought I would never make it through them, but I made it, with plenty of energy leftover. It is said to help reduce the cravings of sugar and sweets, and it really does. That is my normal problem. My husband has a major issue with honey buns, and zebra cakes, it is very tempting. Since starting this tea, I haven't had any desire at all! You get the daytime tea and the evening tea. Drink your evening tea after dinner, or your last snack before bedtime, and you will sleep better than you have in a long time. I can actually fall into a nice, relaxing deep sleep, which I haven't been able to do very much since I had my son, almost TWO years ago

The daytime tea has a bit of a stouter taste to it, it is less sweet, but definitely still delicious. The real treat is within the evening tea. It is so smooth, and sweet. This is my favorite without a doubt, I definitely look forward to this one every day. I drink one glass of daytime tea a day, two if I feel bad, and I have my evening tea to ease my stress, help me relax, and once I have accomplished that, I head to bed where I fall into a nice, blissful sleep

I brew mine by putting a coffee filter in my coffee pot, put the one tablespoon of loose tea in there, fill the pot with one cup of water, and wait. This brews it to the maximum strength. Which is what I personally want. Another note, while drinking this, if you leave the house, be sure there is a bathroom. It kicks your kidneys and bladder into full gear and you will have to go pee several times off one glass. This is also how it does the 'tea tox' so be grateful for all that running to go pee.

With my new journey, I welcome Newport Skinny Tea to my arsenal of fat combating, muscle building mega products. They have tons of different teas, and programs to help you get bikini ready for Summer 2016! Which is what I am really going for, as I am so ashamed of my body right now, I will get in water fully clothed. So, with this new year, I want to be in good enough shape that I can get down to my bathing suit and not be ashamed of myself. So, here's to a year of new beginnings, and a new smoking body!

**Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own. I was not compensated in any other way.
