Bully Max Update #3

As you all probably know by now, we are testing out what is known as one of the best premium canine supplements. Bully Max has proven itself to us so far, by showing amazing results on our oldest dog, Nyla, a pitbull. We have been putting Bully Max to the test for 19 days now. Bully Max has produced an amazing shine on her, fattened her up, has helped her build muscle, and helps her muscle visible.

Here is our results over time:

(Before Bully Max)

 (After only 6 days of Bully Max)

 (After 11 days of Bully Max)

Now I could post pictures of her now, but I'm holding off for a big finale. After she has taken the whole bottle (60 supply, but only 30 for her since she has to take 2 a day for her size), I will post pictures of what it does within just 30 days.

Bully Max was generous enough to send us all of this, so we will end Bully Max, and start Gorilla Max, which is a step up from Bully Max, and helps to continue the muscle building, but with better results.

(2 Bully Max tshirts for me and my husband, 2 Bully Max bags, 3 big tubs of Gorilla Max for Nyla, a bottle of Bully Max to start our new pup Chief on, and 4 Bully Max pens/highlighters)

We will show the effects of Gorilla Max, as we have with Bully Max, so you see first hand the full results of it, before you buy it!

Be sure to use our special coupon code for $5 off any order or Bully Max or Gorilla Max. Use coupon code: reviewsforyou at checkout and apply, then your $5 will be deducted from price.

**Disclaimer: I was sent these products for review purposes only (Bully & Gorilla Max) and sent the rest as a thank you for the post. 100% my own opinions.
