A New Way To Combat Germs

We are a month and a half into this school year. We have a Kindergartner. I know people have always told me, 'wait until they get into school, everyone will stay sick'. We managed to get through Preschool which was in the Kindergarten hall of the school last year with nothing more than the occasional ear infection. Wow, now we have already been through ear infections, sore throats, horrendous coughs - and I mean the entire household. Somehow, my son had it first - slightly, it eased up - then hit me like a ton of bricks. I have not felt so bad in quite a long time.

We have a 2 year old also, and I've been trying super hard to keep the germs at bay from her. I was sent a lovely box of products from Elyptol a few weeks back, and I swear - they came at the perfect time. It's a line of products. I got a travel bag of the bigger products shown below. 

Here's some good info on their line of products.

  • Kills 99.99% of germs
  • Paired eucalyptus oil to equally natural sanitizing ingredients – pure ethanol derived from sugar cane and corn -- this combination brings you improved efficacy in eliminating germs and also a safer and gentler product
  • Produces products that are antimicrobial (not just antibacterial), killing a wider range of germs
  • Uses botanical food grade ethanol and eucalyptus ingredients known for soothing and healing aching bones and irritated skin
  • Simplicity of combining pure ethanol with eucalyptus oil
  • Natural product, don’t need moisturizer
  • Ranked #1 sanitizer on EWG’s website with a toxic rating of 1
I can honestly say, I love this stuff. The sanitizing wipes for surfaces are so amazing! My counters had stains on them - weird, but true. Like stains from sauces, and although I had tried countless products and wipes to try to remove the stains - this is the one product that took them off. Not only are they good for sanitizing, but they are superior at cleaning. Have your counter tops looking like brand new! Side note though: DO NOT try to wipe anything off painted walls. IT WILL eat the paint off - I got curious with some marker art my son done a few months ago. Not only did the marker come off - but so did a bit of paint. 

The hand sanitizer and sanitizing spray are great for the kids. One is a gel, which I prefer for myself. But the spray doesn't leave alot of extra for them to drip and drop everywhere, so I use that for them. It smells of Eucalyptus - which is a favorite scent of mine, smells of ultimate cleanliness. There's sanitizing wipes which I found great for when the kids were playing with toys at the doctor's office and well, it's probably been 20 sick kids playing with them in a day's time. So, I wiped them off to kill off any germs that my kids most definitely did not need to contract!

The travel back has tiny bottles of sanitizing gels, individual packed cleansing wipes. There was also some bottles of sanitizing spray with clips on them, so you can clip onto your purse or diaper bag, and be ready no matter when you may need it. 

The surface cleansing wipes came in two sizes. 65 wipes in each container, but one had larger wipes than the other. I guess it just depends on the surface you're needing them for. The scent is super strong, so if you want a good clean smell filling your house - these are for you. I'm the kind of person who thinks hospitals just smell amazing - so these were right up my alley as they filled the room with delightful cleanliness. One of the best things about it - the surface wipes have 3 ingredients. THAT'S IT. 

I give these products - all of them, 5 stars. Because, I am quickly learning of how fast germs spread and this has become my go-to in the combat against sicknesses. This is a product I'd like to see more often inside doctor's offices and schools. With limited ingredients - it would be better for everyone. 

*Disclosure: I was sent these products free of charge, in exchange for a feature. I was not compensated in any other way.


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