So, for those of you who have been reading my post here lately, you probably have realized that I have gotten on a bit of an all natural, Eco-Friendly trip. I won't lie, I used to think all natural products probably didn't work as well, or was overpriced. Therefore, I never really thought I'd get addicted to all-natural products. I have been experimenting with a little bit of everything, and the last thing I received had ventured me off into a whole new mindset about Eco-Friendly.
While searching for companies to work with that could potentially feed my new addiction, I came across EverydayHappy. They have cleaning products, family kits, and diaper kits. They were so nice, and they sent me the Diaper + Family Kit.
Here is a little bit about EverydayHappy:
We’re a group of moms and dads who want nothing but the best for our kids. With a deep respect for healthy, sustainable living, we want the best for our planet, too. Though it might sound cheesy, we really do think that kids are the future. We’re a pretty diverse team: Stay-at-home parents, entrepreneurs, athletes, programmers, academics, writers, artists, dreamers -- we span all walks of life. And yet, despite our differences, our mission to provide a healthy, happy, beautiful world for our children has brought us together.
Such kind people they are. I received that super cute bag, which is now our diaper bag, because with a toddler, you don't have as much that you have to carry around all the time. Also, they sent me two packs of diapers (size 4, which is 30 diapers a bag), 80 count wipes, shampoo & body wash, liquid hand soap, face & body lotion, and their laundry detergent.
The laundry detergent. Now, this stuff smells so amazing, I have been using this on our blankets. It has a baby fresh scent, it's light, so it is very lovely. It cleans really good, takes out everything. This is the second all natural laundry soap/detergent I have tried. If you like the idea of your laundry product looking like the consistency of normal detergents, this is the one for you. Whereas, the other brand I reviewed (can be found under Eco-Friendly tab), theirs is to be mixed at home, and is water based, so it takes the water consistency. Really comes down to whatever tickles your fancy. Great detergent though, and does really good on toddler clothes, with them being so messy and smelly. Definitely worth getting.
The hand soap. It is unscented, which doesn't bother me. As long as my hands are clean, I'm fine with no scent. It doesn't bubbly lather, but hey, not every hand soap does. It will take off anything that may be on your hands. I normally just use my Dawn Simple stuff, but here is a mighty comparison for you. When I hand mix hamburger meat and seasonings for hamburgers, I normally have to use Dawn two or three times to get the icky off, well, once was a charm with this product. Took everything off, leaving a nice, soft pair of hands! I will not complain, that's saving more for later!
You can purchase all these items individually if you'd like them that way, or you can get them delivered monthly. The diaper + family care kit is $147.00 for a one time purchase, or you can get it sent monthly for $115.90 + $5.95 shipping. Hey, if you are all about saving money, and like the products enough to want them constantly, this is the deal of a lifetime for you. I highly recommend their products, as they are all natural, and definitely serve their purpose in my household!
Keep an eye out for a giveaway of your choice of Diaper Kit or Family Kit, coming 12/11/15!
**Disclaimer: I was sent these products for review purposes. This post contains my 100% honest opinions, and I was not compensated in any other way.
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