Ghouls, ghost, and monsters. Yep, that's right, Halloween is a month and three days away! Besides realizing the year has flown by, I am extremely excited that Halloween is here. Why? Well I love Halloween in general. Sitting around watching Hocus Pocus (who doesn't love that classic?!), watching the Halloweentown movies, and decorating, that's where it's at. I also am overjoyed about it this year because it is Dallas' first actual Halloween. Last year we were so excited for him to go get some suckers, and show everyone he was the cutest bear around, but he didn't get to go. He had a severe sinus infection (he has had several from January-June of this year, and winter is worse). The temperature Halloween night was like 50 degrees, so we knew it would be too much for him, so we had to settle with an early evening Trunk-or-treat at a local church.

We were just going to reuse his costume from last year, but I didn't realize this little squirt would hit such a huge growth spurt. He is so much bigger than last Halloween. Although his bear costume was so adorable, we are okay with a new one. With the help of
Costume Discounters he is going to be Alabama's cutest, smallest prisoner. Costume Discounters has such great low prices. When comparing to other sites, they are a good ten dollars or more, cheaper. When I put in my order for the Time Out Prisoner Costume, I was so worried about the quality. We all know when you see a really cheap price, quality is normally the issue, hence why it was so cheap! As you can see to the left, the Time Out Prisoner is just too great. (That is the photo from the Costume Discounters site.)
Dallas was finally being still enough for me to get him into this, and get photos (he so don't like pictures). I only got one or two photos with the hat on, he didn't like it, and would only have it on if he done it himself. Therefore, excuse the lopsided hat, just look at the stock photo above for what it looks like if you have a very cooperative child to put this on.
(Excuse the blurriness, the iPad doesn't do too well.)
This really was the best I could do, which I don't think is too shabby for an overactive 19 month old. The quality of the costume is great, it is a soft, breathable texture, so even if the weather where you live is a little on the warm side, your child will still be cool as a cucumber. I absolutely love the sleeves and the tattoos on them, it just ties it all together. If your kid is like mine, the hat will be a task. He will not leave it alone, but maybe someone, somewhere will have better luck than me on that.
It is easy to put on, which is a must for all moms. Just put over their head like a shirt, and it buttons around their bottom and legs. Super, super easy. I hope that when looking for a great place to buy a costume, whether it be for your kids, or yourself, you consider Costume Discounters. When you sign up with your email, you also get tons of emails with special offers to make it ridiculously cheap. Make this your one stop shop for Halloween and you will come out with more of your money versus going elsewhere. You can purchase Time Out Prisoner costume for a mere $34.97! If you are on social media, you go
CLICK HERE and follow them on Facebook to keep up with news and great deals.
**Disclaimer: I was sent this costume for review purposes only. I received it in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not compensated in any other way.
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